My grandparents (on my mother's side) were from Austin, TX and they loved buying their grand/great grand kids cowboys hats and boots. My grandparents have passed away but my grandfather actually got to meet G. And boy did he fall hard. He unequivocally loved G, I was truly amazed. I remember when he was dying he whispered to me that he love G with all his heart because he was my son. I will never forget those words. Anyhow, my grandfather would have loved to see G in a cowboy hat, A and I went to an indoor flea market Friday night and found him one. They had the most beautiful cowboy boots too but I didn't even try to put G's fat feet in them. As it is I call G - Spongebob Square Feet, omg they are the cutest little things but so dang FAT! Here are a couple pictures of G with his cowboy hat on....
Oh and as for the title my little nephew (who is mixed hispanic and AA) told my sister that "Cowboy are brown too..." My sister is weird and didn't like him wearing cowboy gear, that was his response to her asking him to take off his cowboy hat. I on the other hand embrace our Texas/Mexican heritage!
BTW, I know a couple of friends say that it's hard to get their babies to smile for pictures...G was the same way. Whenever I took a pic, he looked to mad and grumpy even though he wasn't. Now that he is older he is saying "cheese", these pics are proof of an overly cheesy smile....lmao. He is so dang cute!
9 hours ago