So I stepped on my scale today and I lost 5lbs since the babies have been here. I needed to lose about 10 but this way is not healthy. I have an appetite I just can't eat...or when I do I don't eat a lot. I'm hungry right now and I still haven't had anything all day. I don't know what's going on...I can't put my finger on my nervousness/anxiety???
G and I are going out for a bit today. Since the girls pretty much just eat and sleep A has been doing great. Maybe getting out with my baby will make me feel better...
I just don't remember these feelings when we brought G home??? Any advice?
1 day ago
Probably nervousness or anxiety. i can also imagine the twins keeping you mighty busy. Just try to remember to take a breather and def something even if its just a lil snack. U would need your energy! btw, please email me the pictures of the girls! Im DYING to know what they look like. Foster/adopt is a long process...a rollercoaster and if u have any questions, advices or need guidance, please email me ok? Take care chica! :)
You've got double everything going must be so much to adjust to. Just one baby is a lot! Not to mention, I would be nervous about how tiny they are and whatever is going on with the legal stuff. Hang in there...I'm sure you're doing just great.
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